Home office and virtual meetings habe become our reality. Experience shows that virtual meetings need more preparation and good leadership to be effective.
Due to current events we offer special support in the following areas: Offering second opinion on innovative ideas and concepts in the role of a sparing partner
Developing specific documentation canvases for virtual calls
Team training in virtual collaboration
Setting up specific roles to improve efficiency in online meetings
Sharing best practices and facilitating conversations
As competition becomes more and more global, markets saturated, innovation is a powerful weapon to differentiate products or a company from it’s competitors. In times when internal marketing departments are struggling to understand the current trends, you may need to take initiative and think new (digital) business models through with your team.
Understanding customer requirements, developing new concepts with design thinking and other agile methods is on today’s agenda. Market research in all its forms has been a key capability of our team.
Speed to market, efficiency initiatives and improvement of innovation processes are a key concern of every R&D manager. We focus on developing concepts how digitalization can bring a leading edge to current business. One of the key aspects to improve is project portfolio management that saves resources and accelerates projects.
AHT offers the following services for Research and Development Managers
Innovation management frameworks
Project management training
Project portfolio management
Project portfolio control systems
Process optimization
Creativity techniques and seminars
Project communication and document controlling (dokControll)
Customer research with focus groups and in-depth interviews
Concept tests
Customer requirement research
Development of new concepts with design thinking, gamification tools and other agile methods
Support of requirement engineering